在JDE 9.0,在fat-client執行solution explorer,必須要有兩個security授權,如下圖。
2012年11月30日 星期五
2012年11月27日 星期二
JDE - Oracle HTTP Server - start using oracle account
Oracle 10g HTTP Server: Solving "[crit] (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to port 83"
There is a trick that httpd port under 1024 need to run as root initially. (e.g. port=83)
Here's the configuration steps:
1. su -
2. cd /u01/OracleAS_1/Apache/Apache/bin
3. chown root .apachectl
4. chmod 6750 .apachectl
5. ls -al .apachectl
6. su - oracle
cd /u01/OracleAS_1/opmn/bin
./opmnctl stopall
./opmnctl startall
[root@e1oas03 init.d]# cat /etc/init.d/ias
# Author : Arun Singh, Novell Inc.
# 1. Add root to dba and oinstall group to function this script properly
# 2. Create this file in /etc/init.d directory (ias) and use "chkconfig ias on"
# You can put these and other commands in a single file (startup or shutdown)
# and use as single command. This example is to make instruction clear.
# $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl startup
# $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl start
# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole
# Provides: ias
# Required-Start: $network $syslog $remote_fs raw
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 3 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
# Description: Start the Oracle iAS
case "$1" in
echo -n "Satring Oracle iAS"
#su - $ORA_OWNER --command="$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl start" &
#su - $ORA_OWNER --command="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl start" &
su - $ORA_OWNER --command="$ORACLE_BASE/JDE_HOME/bin/startAgent" &
su - $ORA_OWNER --command="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall" &
#su - $ORA_OWNER --command="$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole" &
echo -n "Stopping Oracle iAS"
#su - $ORA_OWNER --command="$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl shutdown" &
su - $ORA_OWNER --command="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall" &
su - $ORA_OWNER --command="$ORACLE_BASE/JDE_HOME/bin/stopAgent" &
#su - $ORA_OWNER --command="$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole" &
echo -n "Checking for Oracle iAS"
su - $ORA_OWNER --command="$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl status iasconsole" &
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status}"
exit 1
[root@e1oas03 init.d]#
cd /sbin
chkconfig --add ias
chkconfig --list|grep ias
2012年11月13日 星期二
2012年11月2日 星期五
JDE - 簡易版的DR for Deployment Server
JDE Deployment Server 上面的檔案數量很多,所以他的 異地備援,特別是跨國際的異地備援,如果沒有使用Storage level or file system level的工具,會是一個困難。
1. 將Deployment Server(ServerA) P2V 轉換成 VM(ServerB),並更改主機名稱後開機。
2. 在此ServerB上面安裝FastCopy軟體,排成每天利用Fastcopy sync ServerA的JDE目錄到dropbox folder。
3. 則dropbox目錄會自動被分到雲端。
4. 將ServerB 的 VM image file copy 到遠端機房,並且改名為ServerC後開啟。
5. 在ServerC也安裝dropbox,設定好 Dropbox location。
6. 之後如果ServerA上面有任何檔案異動,則會每天自動透過dropbox機制sync到遠端去。
另可以參考其他的copy and sync工具:
1. 將Deployment Server(ServerA) P2V 轉換成 VM(ServerB),並更改主機名稱後開機。
2. 在此ServerB上面安裝FastCopy軟體,排成每天利用Fastcopy sync ServerA的JDE目錄到dropbox folder。
3. 則dropbox目錄會自動被分到雲端。
4. 將ServerB 的 VM image file copy 到遠端機房,並且改名為ServerC後開啟。
5. 在ServerC也安裝dropbox,設定好 Dropbox location。
6. 之後如果ServerA上面有任何檔案異動,則會每天自動透過dropbox機制sync到遠端去。
另可以參考其他的copy and sync工具:
2012年10月24日 星期三
蘋果推出了 iPad 4 and iPad mini
iPad mini
Depth 7.2mm, Weight 0.68 lb
Dual-core A5 CPU
7.9-inch display with IPS technology
1.2MP photos, 720 HD video
Lightning t oUSB Cable
iPad 4
Dual-core A6X CPU with quad-core graphics
2012年10月16日 星期二
Oracle VM - OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: discover_server to server: 192.168.xxx.xxx failed.
[Error Message on VM Manager Console]
OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: discover_server to server: 192.168.xxx.xxx failed.
[/var/log/ovs-agent.log on VM Server]
[2012-10-15 15:05:21 2478] DEBUG (OVSCommons:124) discover_server: ()
[2012-10-15 15:05:21 2478] ERROR (OVSCommons:143) catch_error: rpmdb open failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ovs-agent-3.0/OVSCommons.py", line 141, in wrapper
return func(*args)
File "/opt/ovs-agent-3.0/OVSDiscoverServer.py", line 129, in discover_server
pkgs = host.list_package('ovs-agent')
File "/opt/ovs-agent-3.0/host.py", line 235, in list_package
mi = ts.dbMatch("name", name)
TypeError: rpmdb open failed
這時就是VM Server端的rpmdb出了問題,用下列方式run一遍,重建rpmdb後,再到VM manager的console做rediscover即可解決。
# tar cvzf rpmdb-backup.tar.gz /var/lib/rpm
# rm /var/lib/rpm/__db.00*
# rpm --rebuilddb
# rpm -qa | sort ---> # to make sure everything's okay
2012年10月9日 星期二
Oracle DB Basis - Authentication and SQL LOADER
OS authentication
- 設定方式: In parameter file, remote_login_passwordfile = none
Use a password file
remote_login_passwordfile = exclusive
- 用orapwd程式,來建立password file
- 如果是用dbca來建立database的,則系統會自動建立password file
SQL Loader
sqlldr system/second3@second3 control=first_tbl.ctl log=first_tbl.log
Segment Space Management
Automatic segment space management (ASSM, or bitmap freelists)
is a simpler and more efficient way of managing space within a
segment. It completely eliminates any need to specify and tune the
pctused, freelists, and freelist groups storage
parameters for schema objects created in the tablespace. If any of
these attributes are specified, they are ignored.
Oracle Database - Data Guard 搭配 Flashback Database
Primary Database: DGTEST_P
使用高性能Disk Array,速度快,價格貴,但空間較小。
Standby Database: DGTEST_S with Real-time Query
使用一般Disk Array,速度慢,價格低,但空間很大。
這時候可以考慮在 DGTEST_S上面 Enable Flashback Database,好處是:
- 如果在 primary database上面發生任何錯誤性的 DDL or DML,同時間也apply到standby database去了,這時可以透過flashback database快速返回某一個時間點,然後開啟switchover將primary and standby互換角色。
- Flashback logs是存放在 standby database server,不會占用到primary database server的硬碟空間。
- 另外一個應用是,如果想要查某個時間點的資料,也可以透過flashbask standby database來達成。
- select standby_became_primary_scn from v$database; flashback database to scn <scn>; alter database convet to physical standby;
Primary Database:
Standby Database:
Oracle VM - Physical Based Devices 高效能I/O
使用VM,又想要高效能的disk I/O,譬如作為database server來使用,可以使用 physical based devices。
第1顆硬碟是Virtual Disk,安裝OS和Oracle Software。
第2顆硬碟是Physical Disk,可以直接對應到FC disk arrary的LUN or SSD。
用DD實際測試I/O,效能還不賴,有456 MB/s。
第1顆硬碟是Virtual Disk,安裝OS和Oracle Software。
第2顆硬碟是Physical Disk,可以直接對應到FC disk arrary的LUN or SSD。
用DD實際測試I/O,效能還不賴,有456 MB/s。
Oracle Database - Automatic Memory Management
Automatic Memory Management
When Automatic Memory Management is enabled, the database will automatically set the optimal distribution of memory. The distribution of memory will change from time to time to accomodate changes in the workload.
Automatic Memory Management has been successfully enabled. The Memory sizes will be adjusted automatically by the database to achieve optimal distribution. The distribution of memory will change from time to time to accomodate changes in the workload.
- Total Memory Size
- Maximum Memory Size
當Automatic Memory Management is disabled,就可以去調整
- Total SGA Size
- Maximum SGA Size
- 調整 Aggregate PGA Target
如何手動開關 Automatic Memory Management ?
--關 Automatic Memory Management
ALTER SYSTEM SET memory_target='0' SCOPE=BOTH;
ALTER SYSTEM SET sga_max_size = 786432000 SCOPE=SPFILE;
ALTER SYSTEM SET sga_target = 524288000 SCOPE=BOTH;
延伸閱讀: 如何完整關閉 AMM (Automatic Memory Management)
--開 Automatic Memory Management
ALTER SYSTEM SET memory_target='805306368' SCOPE=BOTH;
ALTER SYSTEM SET pga_aggregate_target='0' SCOPE=BOTH;
延伸閱讀: 如果不小心設了sga_max_size,如何完整啟動 Automatic Memory Management
2012年9月19日 星期三
HP EVA - evaperf command
evaperf ls
evaperf fnh
evaperf fnh [hostname] [username] [password]
evaperf all -cont 600 -dur 86400 -sz EVA4000 -csv > D:\hp\20120919.csv
capture all
放到 D:\hp\20120919.csv
2012年9月14日 星期五
MS Office - Word/Powerpoint 無法插入美工圖案
在MS Word or Powerpoint 中,要插入美工圖案 from office.com時,會遇到下列的問題。
顯示的訊息是,無法自 "某路徑" 連結獲得資料。
註冊機碼位置:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders->Cache
Cache之預設值為%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
2012年8月30日 星期四
VMware - datastore via SAN
一個在SAN上面的LUN, present 給兩個 ESXi server 。
host1 是 ESXi4
host2 是 ESXi5
在host2上面選擇add storage時,選擇VMFS3的格式。
切記,切勿選擇delete datastore,這樣會將 datastore 做格式化,裡面所有的資料都不見了。
對於要求效能的VM,例如database server 可以直接將raw device map 給VM ,不要再透過datastore vmfs這一層,效能可能會較佳。
host1 是 ESXi4
host2 是 ESXi5
在host2上面選擇add storage時,選擇VMFS3的格式。
切記,切勿選擇delete datastore,這樣會將 datastore 做格式化,裡面所有的資料都不見了。
對於要求效能的VM,例如database server 可以直接將raw device map 給VM ,不要再透過datastore vmfs這一層,效能可能會較佳。
2012年8月29日 星期三
JDE - AP/TOOLS/middleware version compatibility
Go to http://tools91.steltix.com/jde (demo/demo) to feel how powerful the Tools 9.1 can provide to you !
This is the 1st one (maybe the only one) globally the server application 9.0 version with Tools 9.1 which is offered by E1 silver partner from Netherlands. This link will only valid until mid of this month. So, have a look & feel before you have to upgarde your system to 9.0 and ups.
application 9.0 version with Tools 9.1
9.1 is only support weblogic
若是原本使用OAS 的客戶,在規劃升級到9.1時,必須Install Weblogic server. 並不會影響原有程式執行
Tools 8.98 (incl update 1-4) -> JDE E1 APPLICATION 8.11, 8.12, 9.0
-> OAS, Weblogic
Tools 9.1 -> JDE E1 APPLICATION 9.0, 9.1
-> Weblogic
另外要注意的是搭配 Tools 9.1.X
如果Application是9.1版,local database要使用 Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
如果Application是9.0版以前(含),local database可用 Oracle Database Enterprise Edition or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
JDE Local Database
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 9.1.x Deployment Server requires a database management system to be installed locally on the Deployment Server itself. With JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications releases prior to 9.1, customers have a choice between Oracle Database Enterprise Edition and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition as the local database. Distinct Deployment Server installation CDs (or downloadable images from Oracle E-Delivery) are available for each database. Beginning with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 9.1 Microsoft SQL Server Express is not supported as the local database (see section “Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition” below).
The database that is installed on the Deployment Server will be the database propagated to Development Clients via the package build and deployment process.
JDE Application 和 Tools release的相容性對照表,可以參照 UPDATE CENTER
https://updatecenter.oracle.com 裡面的
EnterpriseOne Tools Releases
2012年8月23日 星期四
VMware - vSphere 兩個心得
VMware vSphere 兩個心得
1. VM運行速度太慢? 明明給6GB RAM,但是Host Mem總是卡住?
請注意在Resource Allocation中,是否被設定了Memory Limit。
2. 因為虛擬化之後,是高度壓榨服務器硬體的一種方式,請務必將vSwitch使用多張網卡,做teaming。否則一張網卡壞掉,數十台VM就挫起來了。
2012年8月22日 星期三
VMware - vSphere 版本差異
--以下內容的平台皆為vSphere Hypervisor
ESXi 4.1.0
Virtual Machine Version: 4 or 7
VMFS 3.46 Max File Size:256GB
ESXi 5.0.0
Virtual Machine Version: 7 or 8
VMFS 5.54 Max File Size:2TB
ESXi 4.1.0
Virtual Machine Version: 4 or 7
VMFS 3.46 Max File Size:512GB
Block Size Max File Size
1MB 256GB
2MB 512GB
4MB 1024GB
8MB 2048GB
ESXi 4.1.0
Virtual Machine Version: 4 or 7
VMFS 3.46 Max File Size:256GB
ESXi 5.0.0
Virtual Machine Version: 7 or 8
VMFS 5.54 Max File Size:2TB
ESXi 4.1.0
Virtual Machine Version: 4 or 7
VMFS 3.46 Max File Size:512GB
Block Size Max File Size
1MB 256GB
2MB 512GB
4MB 1024GB
8MB 2048GB
2012年8月7日 星期二
Agile - LDAP 例子
4dn: CN=Amy Fan, ou=San Jose,ou=Agile OU,dc=agile,dc=agilesoft,dc=com
4cn: Amy Fan
4givenName: Amy
4EmployeeID: 1089
4mail: Amy.Fan@agile.com
4objectClass: user
ou=distribution list, dc=agile,dc=agilesoft,dc=com
4objectGUID=B1 D2 CA 5A C9 EF DA DD
4Department: Support
4Description: Support Analyst
4Company: Agile Software
2012年8月3日 星期五
JDE - 安裝新版 Tools Release
Tools Release can be applied in the following order:
1. Server Manager
2. Enterprise Server
3. JAS
4. Deployment Server
On the deployment server, make a copy of these directories:
/OneWorld Client Install
On the Enterprise server, make a copy of these directories:
System folder.
Creating the Client Update Package
To create the client update package:
1. On the Foundation Component screen, click Default for the foundation path.
2. Click Next repeatedly to navigate through the remaining Package Assembly screens.
Include only Foundation in the package. Do not include Helps, Objects, or Database.
3. After completing the Package Assembly, click Activate, and then click Define Build.
4. Select Compress Foundation.
5. After completing the Package Build Definition, click Activate and then Submit Build.
6. Deploy this package to all workstations.
1. Server Manager
2. Enterprise Server
3. JAS
4. Deployment Server
On the deployment server, make a copy of these directories:
/OneWorld Client Install
On the Enterprise server, make a copy of these directories:
System folder.
Creating the Client Update Package
To create the client update package:
1. On the Foundation Component screen, click Default for the foundation path.
2. Click Next repeatedly to navigate through the remaining Package Assembly screens.
Include only Foundation in the package. Do not include Helps, Objects, or Database.
3. After completing the Package Assembly, click Activate, and then click Define Build.
4. Select Compress Foundation.
5. After completing the Package Build Definition, click Activate and then Submit Build.
6. Deploy this package to all workstations.
2012年8月1日 星期三
JDE - UTB, Failed to create a grid or to open: Fxxxxxxx
當使用UTB(Universal Table Browser) query table時,出現"Failed to create a grid or to open: Fxxxxxxx"的錯誤訊息,如下。
開啟OMW,對此物件執行 get ,再試著去query table 就會成功了。
2012年7月18日 星期三
2012年7月16日 星期一
Oracle VM - Upgrade from 3.0.3 to 3.1.1
今天抽空,要將Oracle VM 從3.0.3升級到 3.1.1的最新版,看看有沒有什麼改善,以及新功能。Oracle VM 可以分為兩個部分,需要為同一個版本,如果版本不同,可能連基本的操作都會有問題(Start/Stop.......)。
1. Oracle VM Manager
2. Oracle VM Server
升級之前,先進行VM manager repository的備份,工具使用 oracle exp。
備份完成之後,首先進行Oracle VM Manager的升級。
# mount -o loop OracleVM-Manager-3.1.1-upgrade.iso /OVMCD
# cd /OVMCD/
# ./runUpgrader.sh
這時連到VM Manager Console可以看到,已經升級完成,但無法對VM Server進行操作,所以要緊接著做VM Server的升級。
Boot from CD
這時就可以連到VM Manager Console進行操作了,還必須對 OVM 3.1.1 版的新功能做一些微調。
2012年7月11日 星期三
Oracle DB - 異常lock Kill DB session
系統每十分鐘會執行一次檢查lock的cronjob,當收到郵件如下,則需要判斷並處理DB lock。
1. 可以用sqlplus連到DB,用下方sql statement再做一次檢查。
SELECT INST_ID,lpad('',DECODE(request,0,0,1))||sid sess, id1,id2,lmode
,request, type
ORDER BY id1,request
2. 用oracle帳號ssh db server
oracle_DGTEST_testdb1.rgp.raritan.com$ps -ef|grep 7487
oracle 7487 1 0 03:15 ? 00:00:00 oracleDGTEST (LOCAL=NO)
oracle 9201 8414 0 03:43 pts/1 00:00:00 grep 748700
oracle_DGTEST_testdb1.rgp.raritan.com$sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
SQL> select a.sid,a.SERIAL#,a.USER#,a.MACHINE,a.OSUSER from v$session a where a.sid = 197;
---------- ---------- ----------
197 21999 84
SQL> alter system kill session '197,21999' immediate;
System altered.
SQL> select a.sid,a.SERIAL#,a.USER#,a.MACHINE,a.OSUSER from v$session a where a.sid = 197;
no rows selected
oracle_DGTEST_testdb1.rgp.raritan.com$ps -ef|grep 7487
oracle 9260 8414 0 03:44 pts/1 00:00:00 grep 7487
1. 可以用sqlplus連到DB,用下方sql statement再做一次檢查。
SELECT INST_ID,lpad('',DECODE(request,0,0,1))||sid sess, id1,id2,lmode
,request, type
ORDER BY id1,request
2. 用oracle帳號ssh db server
oracle_DGTEST_testdb1.rgp.raritan.com$ps -ef|grep 7487
oracle 7487 1 0 03:15 ? 00:00:00 oracleDGTEST (LOCAL=NO)
oracle 9201 8414 0 03:43 pts/1 00:00:00 grep 748700
oracle_DGTEST_testdb1.rgp.raritan.com$sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
SQL> select a.sid,a.SERIAL#,a.USER#,a.MACHINE,a.OSUSER from v$session a where a.sid = 197;
---------- ---------- ----------
197 21999 84
SQL> alter system kill session '197,21999' immediate;
System altered.
SQL> select a.sid,a.SERIAL#,a.USER#,a.MACHINE,a.OSUSER from v$session a where a.sid = 197;
no rows selected
oracle_DGTEST_testdb1.rgp.raritan.com$ps -ef|grep 7487
oracle 9260 8414 0 03:44 pts/1 00:00:00 grep 7487
2012年7月5日 星期四
Linux - 用top看每顆CPU的utilization
top 看每顆 CPU 使用狀況
- top
- top 進入後,按 1 --> 如果有多顆 CPU, 那最上面的 Cpu(s), 就會變 Cpu0 Cpu1 .....
持續監控某 PID 的 CPU / RAM 使用量
- 假設 PID 是 1122
- top -p 1122 # 或 watch "ps aux | grep 1122"
Oracle Linux - Forget, Forgot root password
Oracle Enterprise Linux forgot root password
1.Press F2 when the splash screen comes up
2.A GRUB screen will display
3.enter the letter 'e' (without single quotes)
4.Using the arrow keys, move the cursor to the line for kernel
5.enter the letter 'e' again
6.You will see a command line
7.after the last word/character append a space and the word single (single mode)
8.Hit Enter
9.Make sure the cursor is on the kernal line
10.enter the letter 'b' (this will boot)
11.System will load into single mode
12.Enter passwd
13.Enter new password two times
14.Enter exit (this will reboot)
15.Test the new root password
1.Press F2 when the splash screen comes up
2.A GRUB screen will display
3.enter the letter 'e' (without single quotes)
4.Using the arrow keys, move the cursor to the line for kernel
5.enter the letter 'e' again
6.You will see a command line
7.after the last word/character append a space and the word single (single mode)
8.Hit Enter
9.Make sure the cursor is on the kernal line
10.enter the letter 'b' (this will boot)
11.System will load into single mode
12.Enter passwd
13.Enter new password two times
14.Enter exit (this will reboot)
15.Test the new root password
2012年6月21日 星期四
JDE - 在menu掛上既有的任務(Insert Existing Task)
在Fat Client案右鍵,選擇Insert Existing Task
輸入要掛上的program or folder 的task id
輸入要掛上的program or folder 的task id
2012年6月5日 星期二
OracleVM - Error OVMAPI_4010E
某次Oracle VM Manager 不正常重開機後,就和OVM Server搞不好了,兩者之間無法sync。
查看錯誤訊息如下: OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: discover_server to server: 192.168.xxx.xxx failed. OVMAPI_4004E Server Failed Command: discover_server
解決方式: 重啟 OVM Manager and OVS Agent
1. on OVM server console , run the following command to stop the ovs-agent service .
# service ovs-agent stop
2. on OVM Manager console , run the following command to stop ovm manager service .
# service ovmm stop
3. on OVM Manager console , run the following command to start ovm manager service .
# service ovmm start
4. on OVM server console , run the following command to start ovs-agent service .
# service ovs-agent start
5. wait a while , then connect to OVM Manager web UI , check and rediscover the OVM server from the UI .
2012年5月31日 星期四
JDE - 查詢Schedule Jobs
如何查詢 schedule jobs
1. Directly query database
2. Fat-Client using P91300 (Schedule Jobs)
3. Fat-Client using R91300A (Print Scheduled Jobs)
1. Directly query database
F91300 | Schedule Job Master |
F91320 | Job Schedule |
2. Fat-Client using P91300 (Schedule Jobs)
3. Fat-Client using R91300A (Print Scheduled Jobs)
2012年5月29日 星期二
JDE - Row Security的小技巧
如果某Object,在Row Security沒有任何限制,則預設為全部開放。
如果某Role對某Object,在Row Security有 from Value ~ to Value的限制/開放 ---> 則對此object變成需要正面表列,如果沒有列出的則全部禁止。
2012年5月25日 星期五
Java - 第一支java程式
C:\workspace>type HelloWorld.java
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello! World!");
C:\workspace>javac HelloWorld.java
C:\workspace>java HelloWorld
Hello! World!
Java - 安裝JDK Java SE Development Kit 6 Update 32
[root@testdb1 source]# ll
total 3946192
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 68835673 May 25 05:26 jdk-6u32-linux-x64-rpm.bin
[root@testdb1 source]# chmod 744 jdk-6u32-linux-x64-rpm.bin
[root@testdb1 source]# ll
total 3946192
-rwxr--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 68835673 May 25 05:26 jdk-6u32-linux-x64-rpm.bin
[root@testdb1 source]# ./jdk-6u32-linux-x64-rpm.bin
UnZipSFX 5.50 of 17 February 2002, by Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs@lists.wku.edu).
inflating: jdk-6u32-linux-amd64.rpm
inflating: sun-javadb-common-10.6.2-1.1.i386.rpm
inflating: sun-javadb-core-10.6.2-1.1.i386.rpm
inflating: sun-javadb-client-10.6.2-1.1.i386.rpm
inflating: sun-javadb-demo-10.6.2-1.1.i386.rpm
inflating: sun-javadb-docs-10.6.2-1.1.i386.rpm
inflating: sun-javadb-javadoc-10.6.2-1.1.i386.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:jdk ########################################### [100%]
Unpacking JAR files...
Installing JavaDB
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:sun-javadb-common ########################################### [ 17%]
2:sun-javadb-core ########################################### [ 33%]
3:sun-javadb-client ########################################### [ 50%]
4:sun-javadb-demo ########################################### [ 67%]
5:sun-javadb-docs ########################################### [ 83%]
6:sun-javadb-javadoc ########################################### [100%]
Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6 successfully installed.
Product Registration is FREE and includes many benefits:
* Notification of new versions, patches, and updates
* Special offers on Oracle products, services and training
* Access to early releases and documentation
Product and system data will be collected. If your configuration
supports a browser, the JDK Product Registration form will
be presented. If you do not register, none of this information
will be saved. You may also register your JDK later by
opening the register.html file (located in the JDK installation
directory) in a browser.
For more information on what data Registration collects and
how it is managed and used, see:
Press Enter to continue.....
[root@testdb1 bin]# pwd
[root@testdb1 bin]# ls
appletviewer jar javap jinfo jstat pack200 serialver xjc
apt jarsigner javaws jmap jstatd policytool servertool
ControlPanel java jconsole jps jvisualvm rmic tnameserv
extcheck javac jcontrol jrunscript keytool rmid unpack200
HtmlConverter javadoc jdb jsadebugd native2ascii rmiregistry wsgen
idlj javah jhat jstack orbd schemagen wsimport
[root@testdb1 bin]# su - oracle
oracle_DGTEST_testdb1.rgp.raritan.com$vi .bash_profile
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH
#export TZ=GMT
oracle_DGTEST_testdb1.rgp.raritan.com$java -version
java version "1.6.0_32"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_32-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.7-b02, mixed mode)
OVM - Server Pool
A non-clustered server pool does not support HA for virtual machines deployed on its servers.
If a server fails, the virtual machines on this server have to be restarted manually on a server
1. in this server pool,
2. or possibly on a server in another server pool, if that server pool also has access to the repositories needed for deploying the virtual machines on the failed server.
Live Migration is supported between servers in a non-clustered pool if the servers have the same CPU affinity (same family and type of CPU).
A server pool consists of at least one, but usually multiple Oracle VM Servers. All Oracle VM Servers in a
server pool should have CPUs in the same CPU family and of the same type. If they are not in the same
CPU family and type, some operations such as live migration may fail. Though the CPUs should be in
the same CPU family, they may have differing configurations, such as different number of cores. Other
hardware components on the host computer may also differ, such as the amount of RAM, the number and
size of disk drives, and so on.
Although the host computers may have differing configurations, Oracle recommends that all Oracle VM
Servers in a server pool are identical. Oracle VM Manager contains rules for processor compatibility
groups. If live migration is attempted between incompatible processors, an error message is displayed.
If a server fails, the virtual machines on this server have to be restarted manually on a server
1. in this server pool,
2. or possibly on a server in another server pool, if that server pool also has access to the repositories needed for deploying the virtual machines on the failed server.
Live Migration is supported between servers in a non-clustered pool if the servers have the same CPU affinity (same family and type of CPU).
A server pool consists of at least one, but usually multiple Oracle VM Servers. All Oracle VM Servers in a
server pool should have CPUs in the same CPU family and of the same type. If they are not in the same
CPU family and type, some operations such as live migration may fail. Though the CPUs should be in
the same CPU family, they may have differing configurations, such as different number of cores. Other
hardware components on the host computer may also differ, such as the amount of RAM, the number and
size of disk drives, and so on.
Although the host computers may have differing configurations, Oracle recommends that all Oracle VM
Servers in a server pool are identical. Oracle VM Manager contains rules for processor compatibility
groups. If live migration is attempted between incompatible processors, an error message is displayed.
2012年5月24日 星期四
Java - 網路上的學習資源
想要買書來自學,去 www.books.com.tw 逛逛,還真的貴,也不知道該怎麼選擇。
想要買書來自學,去 www.books.com.tw 逛逛,還真的貴,也不知道該怎麼選擇。
2012年5月22日 星期二
JDE - How to retrieve program processing option and data selection
Run R01RS005 Version Reporting using fat client at local machine
在DS中指定要retrieve的program id and version。
在DS中指定要retrieve的program id and version。
2012年5月14日 星期一
weblogic - check version using CLI
cd [weblog home]/user_projects/domains/[domain name]/bin/
oracle$. ./setWLSEnv.sh
oracle$java weblogic.version
oracle$. ./setWLSEnv.sh
oracle$java weblogic.version
2012年5月9日 星期三
單車 - 規格
登山車後花鼓是135mm DH有到150mm
登山車後花鼓是135mm DH有到150mm
KHS R700規格:
◎ XS(立管47cm)
◎車架:Reynolds 520 鋼管
◎前變速:Shimano 2200
◎後變速:Shimano 2200 GS
◎煞變把:Shimano 2200
◎輔助煞把:Tektro RL721
◎煞車:Tektro R365
◎飛輪:HG-30 12-25T / 8 speeds
◎輪圈:Weinmann 700C
◎外胎:建大 700 × 25C
2012年5月3日 星期四
JDE - Copy PY Menu To PD
1.Menu Table 存於
2.使用 R98403 Copy Menu 之前,需先將PD使用者的 Favorites Copy 到PY, 才可以進行 Copy from PY to PD,以免 User 打來說 Favorites不見了。
select * from crpctl.f9000
where TMTASKNM like '%@%';
select * from crpctl.f9001
where TRRLTYPE='98' and TRPID='Portal';
create table crpctl.f9000_tmp as select * from crpctl.f9000
where TMTASKNM like '%@%';
create table crpctl.f9001_tmp as select * from crpctl.f9001
where TRRLTYPE='98'
and TRPID='Portal';
select count(*) from crpctl.f9000_tmp;
select count(*) from crpctl.f9001_tmp;
--3.使用以下語法,將PY Favorites 刪除.
--找出符合的條件 delete
Delete from crpctl.f9000
where TMTASKNM like '%@%';
--找出符合的條件 delete
Delete from crpctl.f9001
where TRRLTYPE='98' and TRPID='Portal';
insert into crpctl.f9000@XXXXX select * from prodctl.f9000
where TMTASKNM like '%@%';
insert into crpctl.f9001@XXXXX select * from prodctl.f9001
where TRRLTYPE='98' and TRPID='Portal';
--5.從tmp table做還原
insert into crpctl.f9000 select * from crpctl.f9000_tmp
where TMTASKNM like '%@%';
insert into crpctl.f9001 select * from crpctl.f9001_tmp
where TRRLTYPE='98' and TRPID='Portal';
3.使用 R98403 Copy Menu from PY to PD
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